Leading an En-ROADS event is a powerful way to drive meaningful conversations about climate solutions. Whenever you promote or share information about an event where you use the En-ROADS Simulator (e.g., on social media, flyers, or websites), please include this text:

“En-ROADS is a tool created by Climate Interactive and MIT Sloan.”

If possible, add links to both organizations’ websites.

Additionally, if your event includes the En-ROADS workshop or Climate Action Simulation game, it’s important to clarify that these were also developed by Climate Interactive and MIT Sloan. You can do this by adding the following text:

“The En-ROADS workshop and game were designed by Climate Interactive and MIT Sloan.”

Can I use the En-ROADS logo?

Yes, we encourage you to use the En-ROADS logo as needed to describe your work as an En-ROADS Climate Ambassador, promote your events, or in any other settings where relevant.

Can I use the Climate Interactive or MIT logos?

No, you should not use the Climate Interactive or MIT logos, except when specifically referencing the creation of the En-ROADS Simulator or its related materials and programs. These logos are reserved for official use by the organizations and should not be used in broader promotional or marketing contexts.

For more information, please see the Outline of Expectations for En-ROADS Climate Ambassadors.